Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Tranquil Christmas Retreat

This Christmas was a difficult one for me, as you can well imagine since it was my first one away from my two wonderful children.  So when Richard extended an invitation for me to join him and Andrea at a cabin he had rented I jumped at the opportunity.  It was definitely a lot nicer to spend it in the company of my new friends rather than sit at home a mope.
Christmas Eve, once the store was closed and everything wrapped up, we loaded up Richard’s SUV and headed off to Paint Lake, which is just South of Thompson.  Richard had his doubts that everything would fit but I put on my “packing Queen” crown and managed to squeeze it all in…even if the turkey did make the trip on my lap.

By the time we got there it was 11:30; by the time we unloaded, cooked and ate dinner it was 1:30; then we opened presents.  Needless to say Christmas day was a very laid back day.  I did keep my morning tradition of Eggs Benedict alive even if Andre and Sonia didn’t get to have any this time around…maybe next year.

We played games, cooked, ate, ate some more and Richard and I went for a wonderful walk and I managed to take a few pictures of this very beautiful area.  In the winter there is skating and a toboggan hill and although they don’t rent skidoos there were plenty around.

As you can see from the pictures, we had a great time; but the highlight for me was of course talking to my two fabulous kids!

I am so grateful to Richard for inviting me along and making Christmas 2010 one I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. ...Richard sat on your lap?!! Ohh... the OTHER turkey ;)


    It was very nice being there with you two... and you ARE the PACKING QUEEN!!!
