Sunday, January 2, 2011

Boxing Day

When we left the cabin on Boxing Day we headed into Thompson to check out the sales. Richard and Andrea missed it, but I saw a wolf cross a side road just outside of town. I couldn’t believe how huge it was.  Too bad I didn’t have my camera at the ready; live and learn.

As for the shopping the only thing I was looking for was some Native handicrafts, but those stores were closed.  There actually weren’t many great deals but I scored the best item…Ok, I feel like such a “Girl” saying this but man I am thrilled with my new pots and pans! The ones I’ve been using here are more like camping pots than actual cookware and I managed to find a fantastic set at about 70% off.  You know you’ve been roughing it a bit when you go crazy for cookware. 

I managed to snap this shot of the giant statue of miner, as we whizzed by on our way out of Thompson.  The pictures of the rapids and island are from the same spot outside Wibboden that the picture on my Newsletter was taken.

It was dusk by the time we crossed the dam at Jenpeg Generating station, but I think they still made interesting shots.

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