Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Buffalo Falls

I'm not exactly sure where the name comes from because the falls are not little nor are any of the Buffalo I've seen.  Even the baby buffalo are big!

This is a lovely little spot just off the highway that leads to Hay River.  I was itching to climb down for a closer look but poor old Charlie was a bit of a nervous wreck watching me take these pictures from the edge of the cliff.


There is a trail, albeit a steep one that leads down to the river at the base of the falls.  I so wanted to go down and take pictures from the bottom.  One day soon I'll take the plunge, so to speak, and get those photos.  It's certainly not the worst trail I've been on.  Now if I could only find some bear repellent I'd be all set. We met someone in the area and they told me later that there were bear sightings at this spot only minutes after we left.

1 comment:

  1. There is also a second trail, that is less steep and much easier to navigate down and back up. The steeper one needs to be slid down, basically...hope you get another chance to visit...the bottom is something else!
