Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bumper crops

Not exactly a crop but we certainly seem to be having a "bumper" year for buffalo.  I don't have a lot of history to pull from but there seem to be a lot more baby buffalo than I remember seeing last year. I actually saw about 15 babies or so in one rather small herd.  Way more babies than grown ups.

Too cute!  

...but they really don't look much like mommy or daddy, which is likely why Melanie (lovely lady from work) refers to them as the red-headed step children.

I'm not sure if it's a sign of aggression when they roll in the dirt or rub the trees or if they are just scratching an itch.  I tend to think its a subtle hint that I've taken enough pictures; you may be feeling the same way.  I just think they are so unusual. I am also afraid to say that these won't likely be my last buffalo pictures to be posted.

Buffalo are still herd animals though and fairly skittish.  I just gently waved my arm at Charlie and this guy "high tailed it" outta there.  I never thought about that phrase much before, but now I can see it's based in truth.

Thankfully he was running the other way, because holy crap he was fast...and these very large animals

As you can see from these pictures and the wild eyed ones above...they do some pretty funny things.

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