Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bears, bears everywhere

It seems that the more I get to explore around Fort Smith the more wonderful hiking spots I come across.  I'm so keen to get out on a trail if I ever find some like minded people; That being said I'm not sure what to do if I came across this...

...or this

And what about this?

Bears tend to run the other way when they hear people coming...not that I want to test that theory; but Buffalo seem to be the king of the road...look at this big stud; This guy was right in the middle of the road and staring us down...Charlie's little red car felt more like a red cape and this guy had no intention of moving out of our way...we turned around and gave him plenty of room...He was HUGE!!

I can't imagine coming up to one of these fellas on a trail let alone a whole herd!

1 comment:

  1. So... is it true? Do bears poop in the woods? What about bison?
