Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful Blankets of Snow

Living in a basement apartment is a bit like living in a fishbowl.  My livingroom window is right beside the walkway, so whoever walks by can look right in. As a result I tend to keep my curtains closed a  lot of the time which means I sometimes have a surprise when I open  my door.

Saturday evening I had some friends over for dinner, so in the morning I had to dash over to the store to pick up a few things.  I was definely surprised by the sight that met me. There had been a snowfall the night before and everything was covered by the most beautiful blanket of snow I think I have ever seen. Needless to say I dashed back inside to grab my camera so I could take a few...okay several pictures. It's hard to believe how snow caan make an old delapedated fence look beautiful. Another thing that I find amazing is different snow can look depending on where you are.  Up here the snow is dryer and as a result very light and fluffy.  At night, or in the sunlight, the snow sparkles like little diamonds.

I'm sure that Cross Lake couldn't look prettier than it does with a fresh snowfall.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!


  1. you're quite a photographer. I hope you dont mind me "borrowing" some of these photographs...

  2. Lovely! That was a wee snowfall on top of a hoar frost... I was up that morning (believe it or not!) and took a whack of photographs, too :)

    Your dinner party was fabulous. I had a great time :)

  3. Love the shot of the old fence! I agree with Andrea, dinner party was entertaining and food was awesome, especially the cake. I just watched CBC news, they were discussing the change in Earth's tilt over the years and how that may change ppls zodiac signs! i laughed, for years and years the world had it all wrong! click this link to learn more! wow!
